Welcome to the Health GeoLab Knowledge Repository!

You will find here documents, links, videos,… pertaining to the 9 elements of the HIS geo-enabling framework as implemented in Asia and Pacific or beyond.

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ImageTitleDescriptionTypeFramework elementCountryYearLinkhf:tax:resource_typehf:tax:resource_frameworkhf:tax:resource_country
Health Information System master plan 2016-2020
Health Information System master plan 2016-2020

Master plan being implemented by the Ministry of Health of Cambodia over the 2016-2020 period to strengthen its Health Information System. HIS geo-enabling is covered under Strategy 2.6. Original URL

Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 1 - Introduction to the data-information-knowledge-decision continuum and the geospatial data management cycle
Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 1 – Introduction to the data-information-knowledge-decision continuum and the geospatial data management cycle

Guidance describing the link between the data-information-knowledge-decision continuum and geospatial data management and providing an organized geospatial data management cycle which covers all the steps to be followed in order to generate, maintain, use, and share quality geospatial data.

Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2.1 Documenting the process and defining the data needs
Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2.1 Documenting the process and defining the data needs

Guidance describing the first two steps of the geospatial data management cycle: documenting the process and defining the data needs

Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2.2 Defining the vocabulary, the data set specifications, and the ground reference
Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2.2 Defining the vocabulary, the data set specifications, and the ground reference

Guidance describing the next steps in the geospatial data management cycle: defining the vocabulary to be used, defining the data set specifications, and identifying the ground reference.

Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2.4 Creating geospatial data: 2.4.2 Collecting data in the field
Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2.4 Creating geospatial data: 2.4.2 Collecting data in the field

Guidance describing the steps in collecting data in the field to fill geospatial data gaps identified after having compiled all the available existing data.

Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2.6 Distributing, using, and updating the data: 2.6.1 Creating thematic maps using desktop GIS software
Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2.6 Distributing, using, and updating the data: 2.6.1 Creating thematic maps using desktop GIS software

Guidance describing the components of a good thematic map and the process to be followed to create one when using desktop GIS software.

Starter kit - Health GeoLab Collaborative ArcGIS Online platform
Starter kit – Health GeoLab Collaborative ArcGIS Online platform

Starter kit guiding new users in their discovery of the Health GeoLab Collaborative (HGLC) ArcGIS Online platform.

Starter kit - ArcMap 10.5 and Associated Extensions (Single use with authorization code)
Starter kit – ArcMap 10.5 and Associated Extensions (Single use with authorization code)

Starter kit guiding new users on how to install and use of ArcMap and associated extension

Starter kit - Survey123 for ArcGIS
Starter kit – Survey123 for ArcGIS

Starter kit guiding new users on how to use Survey123 for ArcGIS to create electronic surveys, collect data, and monitor the survey implementation in the field.

Starter kit - Unlimited Access to Esri’s e-Learning
Starter kit – Unlimited Access to Esri’s e-Learning

Starter kit guiding new users on how to access Esri’s e-Learning and benefit from all the training resources available from Esri’s website.

Guidance on the Use of Geospatial Data and Technologies in Immunization Programs
Guidance on the Use of Geospatial Data and Technologies in Immunization Programs

Guidance providing a non-technical introduction to the role of geospatial data and technologies in immunization programs.

Guidance on the establishment of a common geo-registry for the simultaneous hosting, maintenance, update and sharing of master lists core to public health (Version 2)
Guidance on the establishment of a common geo-registry for the simultaneous hosting, maintenance, update and sharing of master lists core to public health (Version 2)

The 2nd version of the guidance describing the data flow and requirements that any platform being used as a common geo-registry should comply with to effectively and simultaneously host, maintain, update, and openly share the master lists, geographic relationships, and associated data/information for the geographic objects core to public health.

(The assessment tool developed based on the requirements listed in the Guidance can be accessed from: https://healthgeolab.net/DOCUMENTS/Common_geo-registry_assessment_matrix_Ve3.xlsx)


Master Facility List Resource Package: Guidance for countries wanting to strengthen their MFL
Master Facility List Resource Package: Guidance for countries wanting to strengthen their MFL

Document describing the different elements needed to be considered when building or strengthening a Health Facility Master List, or Master facility list including a section about the geographic coordinates to be included in such master list. Original URL

The Geography of Universal Health Coverage
The Geography of Universal Health Coverage

Brief describing why geographic information systems are needed to ensure equitable access to quality health care as well as the establishment of the AeHIN GIS Lab. Original URL

Building Capacity for Geo-Enabling Health Information Systems: Supporting Equitable Health Services and Well-Being for All
Building Capacity for Geo-Enabling Health Information Systems: Supporting Equitable Health Services and Well-Being for All

Brief describing the major outcomes and lessons learned from the first year of activity of the AeHIN GIS Lab and its conversion into the Health GeoLab Collaborative. Original URL

Myanmar National Health Plan 2017-2021
Myanmar National Health Plan 2017-2021

National health plan being implemented by the Ministry of Health and Sports of Myanmar over the 2017-2021 period. Geographical and service prioritization form the fundation of the process aiming at reaching Universal Health Coverage by 2021. Original URL

Esri Case Study: Geo-enabling the Health Information System in Myanmar
Esri Case Study: Geo-enabling the Health Information System in Myanmar

Flyer describing how the Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health and Sports of Myanmar is geo-enabling its Health Information System (HIS) to achieve the objectives of their National Health Plan. Original URL

Story Map: Geo-enabing the Health Information System in Myanmar
Story Map: Geo-enabing the Health Information System in Myanmar

Story map describing the implementation of the HIS geo-enabling process in Myanmar.

Thai GIS Net
Thai GIS Net

Group of professionals in Thailand with an interest in GIS and its application in a variety of industries ranging from health to risk analysis and environmental and urban planning. This network is organized by MORU.


AccessMod (version 5) is a free and open-source standalone software to model how physically accessible existing health services are to the target population, to estimate the part of the target population that would not receive care despite being physically accessible due to shortage of capacity in these services (human or equipment), to measure referral times and distances between health facilities, and to identify where to place new health facilities to increase population coverage through the scaling up analysis.

Executive summary of the DHIS 2 as common geo-registry workshop (16-18 April 2018)
Executive summary of the DHIS 2 as common geo-registry workshop (16-18 April 2018)

The workshop looked at how geography (location, extent, hierarchies and relationships)) and time (changes over time in administrative divisions, services, operating status and ownerships of facilities,…) are currently integrated into DHIS2, including its data model. Given this, the aim was to identify gaps and technical requirements for the further enhancement of DHIS2 as a platform to serve as a common geo-registry.

Report on the United Nations/World Health Organization/Switzerland Conference on Strengthening Space Cooperation for Global Health (Geneva, 23-25 August 2017)
Report on the United Nations/World Health Organization/Switzerland Conference on Strengthening Space Cooperation for Global Health (Geneva, 23-25 August 2017)

Conference was organized jointly by the United Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Government of Switzerland, with support from the European Space Agency (ESA) to look at strengthening space cooperation for Global Health. The outcomes and recommendations cover different areas including the geo-enablement of Health Information Systems in countries. Original URL

UN OOSA Space for Global Health web site
UN OOSA Space for Global Health web site

The UN OOSA Programme on Space Applications assists developing countries in making use of space-based solutions to fight the spread of diseases.

Investing the Marginal Dollar for Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH): Accessibility to EmOC services in Cambodia
Investing the Marginal Dollar for Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH): Accessibility to EmOC services in Cambodia

This study used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyse physical accessibility to facilities providing EmOC services in Cambodia. Original URL

Investing the Marginal Dollar for Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH): Accessibility to EmOC services in the in Lao People's Democratic Republic
Investing the Marginal Dollar for Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH): Accessibility to EmOC services in the in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

This study used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyse physical accessibility to facilities providing EmOC services in the in Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Original URL

Core Geo-registries for Health Information Exchanges Design Workshop (Phnom Penh, 12-13 June 2017)
Core Geo-registries for Health Information Exchanges Design Workshop (Phnom Penh, 12-13 June 2017)

Executive summary of the workshop organized to define the workflows, requirements and rules that any platform should comply to in order to effectively and simultaneously host, maintain, update and openly share master lists for the geographic objects core to public health (health facilities, communities/settlements, administrative and reporting divisions).

Esri GIS Dictionary
Esri GIS Dictionary

Dictionary of the most used terms linked to geospatial data management and technologies

Wiki.GIS.com - The GIS Encyclopedia
Wiki.GIS.com – The GIS Encyclopedia

This repository incorporates contributions from the GIS community for the benefit of GIS professionals, students, and anyone with an interest in GIS. The wiki contains informative articles about GIS concepts, new technologies, products, people, and organizations.

Story Map: Geo-enabing the Health Information System in Cambodia
Story Map: Geo-enabing the Health Information System in Cambodia

Story map describing the implementation of the HIS geo-enabling process in Cambodia.

Introduction to Data Linking Using GIS (MEASURE Evaluation training materials)
Introduction to Data Linking Using GIS (MEASURE Evaluation training materials)

These materials are a good place for public health workers and health information managers to start learning to think spatially. Datasets which include a spatial component encourage data linking within a GIS (geographic information system), which can also lead to better visualization of data, and ultimately, better decision-making.

Spatial Data Fundamentals (MEASURE Evaluation training materials)
Spatial Data Fundamentals (MEASURE Evaluation training materials)

In order to use spatial data effectively, it can be helpful to know:

What is spatial data?
What are geographic identifiers?
How should spatial data be formatted?
What do I need to know to make a map?
Should I worry about coordinate systems and map projections?
What are potential privacy and confidentiality issues unique to spatial data?

GIS and Public Health at CDC
GIS and Public Health at CDC

Website dedicated to GIS-related material and resources developed by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Geographic Approaches to Global Health
Geographic Approaches to Global Health

Through this course, learners will gain an understanding of how to use spatial data to enhance the decision-making process for health program implementation in limited resource settings.

GIS Techniques for M&E of HIV/AIDS and Related Programs
GIS Techniques for M&E of HIV/AIDS and Related Programs

This MEASURE Evaluation course presents a practical guide for using a geographic information system (GIS) to integrate, visualize, and analyze geographically-referenced data extracted from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and other key data sets to facilitate monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of HIV/AIDS and related health programs.

Geographic Approaches to Global Health: A Self-Directed Mini-Course
Geographic Approaches to Global Health: A Self-Directed Mini-Course

Through this MEASURE Evaluation course, learners will gain an understanding of how to use spatial data to enhance the decision-making process for health program implementation in limited resource settings.

Using Geospatial Analysis to Inform Decision Making in Targeting Health Facility-Based Programs: A Guidance Document
Using Geospatial Analysis to Inform Decision Making in Targeting Health Facility-Based Programs: A Guidance Document

This MEASURE Evaluation guide describes the questions that need to be answered and the data required to make a decision about resource allocation, using GIS tools.

An Overview of Spatial Data Protocols for Family Planning Activities: Why and How to Include the “Where” in Your Data
An Overview of Spatial Data Protocols for Family Planning Activities: Why and How to Include the “Where” in Your Data

This MEASURE Evaluation guide focuses on data and how to use geography to facilitate linkages among data. It presents an overview of the ways to structure family planning data to take maximum advantage of existing geographic data, or to facilitate future inclusion of the geographic context of data being gathered.

An Overview of Spatial Data Protocols for HIV/AIDS Activities: Why and How to Include the “Where” in Your Data
An Overview of Spatial Data Protocols for HIV/AIDS Activities: Why and How to Include the “Where” in Your Data

This MEASURE Evaluation guide focuses on data and how to use geography to facilitate linkages among data. It presents an overview of the ways to structure HIV activities data to take maximum advantage of existing geographic data, or to facilitate future inclusion of the geographic context of data being gathered.

The Signature Domain and Geographic Coordinates: A Standardized Approach for Uniquely Identifying a Health Facility
The Signature Domain and Geographic Coordinates: A Standardized Approach for Uniquely Identifying a Health Facility

A list of standardized indicators for health facility surveys is proposed by the Health Facility Assessment Technical Working Group, composed of members from several organizations and led by the U.S. Agency for International Development’s MEASURE Evaluation project. The adoption and use of these standard indicators would make cross-survey comparisons possible and promote the increased use of the information collected for health facility surveys. Original URL



Geographic Accessibility to Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (EmONC) - Region XII (Soccsksargen)
Geographic Accessibility to Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (EmONC) – Region XII (Soccsksargen)

This study analysed how accessible EmONC facilities are to the population in Region XII as well as identified potential gaps towards achieving Universal Health Care in this part of the country.

Geographic Accessibility to Maternity Care Package (MCP) Accredited Facilities Analysis
Geographic Accessibility to Maternity Care Package (MCP) Accredited Facilities Analysis

This study analysed how accessible MCP accredited facilities are to NHTS-PR registered beneficiaries (members and dependents) of PhilHealth over the Mindanao island as well as identify potential gaps towards achieving Universal Health Care in this part of the country.

HIS geo-enabling - Geospatial data management guideline
HIS geo-enabling – Geospatial data management guideline

Document guiding the Ministry of Health of Cambodia on the standards, practices, and protocols to be implemented as part of the geospatial data management chain to ensure the availability, quality, and accessibility of geospatial data for the health sector in the country.

Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2 - Implementing the geospatial data management cycle: 2.3 Compiling existing data and identifying gaps
Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2 – Implementing the geospatial data management cycle: 2.3 Compiling existing data and identifying gaps

Guidance describing the process to be followed in order to compile existing data and identify gaps

Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2 - Implementing the geospatial data management cycle: 2.5 Cleaning, validating, and documenting the data – 2.5.1 Documenting the data using a metadata profile
Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2 – Implementing the geospatial data management cycle: 2.5 Cleaning, validating, and documenting the data – 2.5.1 Documenting the data using a metadata profile

Guidance describing the concept of metadata and providing a template for the documentation of geospatial and statistical data using respectively a GIS software (ArcGIS, QGIS) and MS Excel.

HIS Geo-Enabling Toolkit
HIS Geo-Enabling Toolkit

The purpose of this Health GeoLab Collaborative toolkit is to support the geo-enablement of the in-country Health Information System for the health sector to fully benefit from the power of geography, geospatial data and technologies.

Strategic Action Plan for Strengthening Health Information 2017-2021
Strategic Action Plan for Strengthening Health Information 2017-2021

Strategic action plan developped by the Ministry of Health and Sports of Myanmar to support the implementation of the Myanmar National Health Plan 2017-2021. This plan contains a budget line items to suystain the existence of the GIS Lab within the Department of Public Health (DOPH). Original URL.

Use of mobile technology‑based participatory mapping approaches to geolocate health facility attendees for disease surveillance in low resource settings
Use of mobile technology‑based participatory mapping approaches to geolocate health facility attendees for disease surveillance in low resource settings

Article describing the method used and results obtained in two rural sites in the Philippines and Indonesia to collect the place of residence health facility attendees during a survey as part of a malaria elimination campaign. Original URL

, Downloaddocumentgeospatial-technologiesindonesia philippines
Malaria surveillance, monitoring & evaluation: a reference manual
Malaria surveillance, monitoring & evaluation: a reference manual

This new version of the reference manual contains many reference to the use of geospatial data and technologies to support malaria surviellance, monitoring and evaluation. This includes the mapping of foci and an annex on geographical reconnaissance during focus investigation. Original URL

2017 Health and Human Services GIS Conference Proceedings
2017 Health and Human Services GIS Conference Proceedings

The 2017 Esri Health and Human Services GIS Conference proceedings are a collection of conference presentations illustrating powerful solutions for improving human health across the globe. The conference was held October 17-19, 2017 at the Esri Headquarters in Redlands, CA. Esri users made a fundamental contribution to the conference by submitting and delivering presentations.

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Investigate Prescribed Drugs
Investigate Prescribed Drugs

In this exercise from Esri, you’ll assume the role of a Health and Human Services analyst investigating lidocaine prescriptions involving two different doctors: one in Washington State and one in Florida. Your goal, as part of a first look at their prescription histories, is to determine whether enough information exists to justify a formal investigation into one or both doctors for illicit oversubscribing. If your data exploration highlights anomalies, you’ll flag the data and share your analysis with a supervisor.

You’ll use Insights for ArcGIS in these lessons. You can get a free ArcGIS trial in the lesson link.

Fight Child Poverty with Demographic Analysis
Fight Child Poverty with Demographic Analysis

More children live in poverty in Detroit, Michigan, than in any other city in the United States. In this exercise from Esri, you will assume the role of a worker for a charity that wants to direct its funding toward resources to help at-risk kids in Detroit. Your objective is to ensure the programs are offered where they’re most needed.

You will use ArcGIS Online to complete this exercise. You can get a free ArcGIS trial in the lesson link.

Story map: Strengthening the management and use of geospatial data and technologies of the National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology, and Entomology (NIMPE) to support the implementation of Circular 54
Story map: Strengthening the management and use of geospatial data and technologies of the National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology, and Entomology (NIMPE) to support the implementation of Circular 54

This story map describes the strengthening of NIMPE’s technical capacity through the implementation of certain elements of the HIS geo-enabling framework.

Groupmappers (A crowdsourcing initiative)
Groupmappers (A crowdsourcing initiative)

Groupmappers is a crowdsourcing initiative with the initial goal of mapping communities in selected rural areas in order to support communicable disease control programs under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) in Bangladesh.

GIS Training Workshop for MOH staff
GIS Training Workshop for MOH staff

These are the training materials used during the GIS Training Workshop for MOH staff held on 29-31 May 2018 in Hanoi, Vietnam through the collaboration of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam, Esri Vietnam, and Health GeoLab Collaborative to strengthen the management and use of geospatial data and technologies within the Ministry of Health of Vietnam.

Application of GIS technology in public health: successes and challenges
Application of GIS technology in public health: successes and challenges

This paper summarizes the common uses of GIS technology in the public health sector, emphasizing applications related to mapping and understanding of parasitic diseases. It also presents some of the success stories, and discuss the challenges that still prevent a full scope application of GIS technology in the public health context. Original URL

GIS for rapid epidemiological mapping and health-care management with special reference to filariasis in India
GIS for rapid epidemiological mapping and health-care management with special reference to filariasis in India

This paper is about the study carried out to apply GIS technology for rapid epidemiological mapping and health-care management of filariasis in India. GIS has essentially become important role in epidemiological mapping, disease monitoring, and health information management in India. This study aimed on the application of GIS for rapid epidemiological mapping of disease occurrences, infection rate, age group, sex, disease transmission, site specification of the patients, host availability of the parasite or virus loads, and so on. Original URL

Health GeoLab Collaborative LinkedIn Group
Health GeoLab Collaborative LinkedIn Group

This is a LinkedIn Group where institutions and individuals sharing the same vision – geo-enabling the Health Information System (HIS) to reach the health related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 in Asia and the Pacific can connect with each other and share information and news contributing to reaching SDG3.

Esri Health and Human Services Grant Program
Esri Health and Human Services Grant Program

This grant allows Ministries of Health of eligible countries to freely use selected Esri products for a period of two years. Original URL

Health GeoLab Collaborative Pool of Expertise
Health GeoLab Collaborative Pool of Expertise

The Health GeoLab Collaborative develops and maintains a pool of expertise and skills related to the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in the health sector among its members based in Asia and the Pacific. This pool is available to countries to strengthen their technical capacity when it comes to the geo-enablement of their Health Information System.

Starter Kit - Esri's Story Maps
Starter Kit – Esri’s Story Maps

Starter kit guiding new users on how to use Esri’s Story Maps online application to combine maps with narrative text, images, and multimedia content to create compelling, user-friendly online presentation of the story they want to tell.

Training Seminar: Survey123 for ArcGIS: Collect Field Data with Smart Forms
Training Seminar: Survey123 for ArcGIS: Collect Field Data with Smart Forms

A recording of the training seminar conducted by Esri to help users collect data in the field with smart forms using Survey123 for ArcGIS.

An ArcGIS Online account connected to an organization with maintenance subscription is required to watch this video.

GIS for UHC Glossary of Terms
GIS for UHC Glossary of Terms

A glossary of key terms linked to the use of GIS in the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) context.

This is a living document; Additions, corrections and suggestions to increase and improve are very much welcome.

Role of spatial tools in public health policymaking of Bangladesh: opportunities and challenges
Role of spatial tools in public health policymaking of Bangladesh: opportunities and challenges

This study assessed the current level of map usage and spatial tools for health sector planning in Bangladesh, focusing on investigating why map usage and spatial tools remained at a basic level for the purpose of health policy. Original URL

Role of GIS in Health Management Information System and Medical Plan: A Case Study of Gangtok area, Sikkim, India
Role of GIS in Health Management Information System and Medical Plan: A Case Study of Gangtok area, Sikkim, India

This study shows how GIS is an ideal tool for planning, organizational issues of health service. This study was carried out to introduce the general position of the Gangtok area through the Health Information and Medical preparedness using GIS study. Original URL

Health information system strengthening and malaria elimination in Papua New Guinea
Health information system strengthening and malaria elimination in Papua New Guinea

The study demonstrates that using mobile technologies and GIS in the capture and reporting of NHIS data in Papua New Guinea provides timely, high quality, geo-coded, case-based malaria data required for malaria elimination. Original URL

Training Seminar: Insights for ArcGIS: Powerful Data Anayltics Made Simple
Training Seminar: Insights for ArcGIS: Powerful Data Anayltics Made Simple

A recording of the training seminar conducted by Esri on Insights for ArcGIS. In this seminar, you will discover how to access authoritative global data to add context to your existing data, analyze spatial and nonspatial data together, uncover previously unknown information hiding in your data, and create impactful location intelligence for your organization.

An ArcGIS Online account connected to an organization with maintenance subscription is required to watch this video.

Health geography: supporting public health policy and planning
Health geography: supporting public health policy and planning

Informed decision-making leads to the development of effective public health policy based on evidence. This article shows why geography is important for public health policy. Original URL

Use of GIS Mapping as a Public Health Tool — From Cholera to Cancer
Use of GIS Mapping as a Public Health Tool — From Cholera to Cancer

This article shows field of medical geographic information systems (Medical GIS) has become extremely useful in understanding the bigger picture of public health. Original URL

Health Information System Geo-enabling Process in Malaysia
Health Information System Geo-enabling Process in Malaysia

This pager describes the process being followed by the Ministry of Health of Malaysia to geo-enable their Health Information System and this is primarily through the integration of GIS capability in the Malaysia Health Data Warehouse (MyHDW) project.

Using the Spatial Quality and Anomalies Diagnosis (SQUAD) Tool to Identify and Correct Data Anomalies in Master Facility Lists: Global Operational Guide
Using the Spatial Quality and Anomalies Diagnosis (SQUAD) Tool to Identify and Correct Data Anomalies in Master Facility Lists: Global Operational Guide

This document is a resource for developing an action plan to improve data in an MFL through the use of the SQUAD Tool. It provides detailed instructions on how to prepare the data for use with the tool and how to run the SQUAD Tool with a typical country MFL. It also provides recommendations on specific steps to follow to prioritize actions and resolve errors found in the output list provided by the tool. Original URL

DOPH-cEPI Training Workshop (Naypyitaw, 12-16 March 2018)
DOPH-cEPI Training Workshop (Naypyitaw, 12-16 March 2018)

These are the training materials used during the Capacity Building on the Use of Geospatial Data and Technologies for Immunization Planning and Health System Strengthening held in Naypyitaw, Myanmar on 12-16 March 2018. This training workshop was made possible through the collaboration of the Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS) of Myanmar, World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), Gavi, Asian Development Bank (ADB), and Health GeoLab Collaborative (HGLC).

Monitor Malaria Epidemics
Monitor Malaria Epidemics

In this lesson, you’ll assume the role of a member of the Ministry of Public Health for the Democratic Republic of the Congo assigned to monitor progress on eradicating malaria and reporting on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #3. To gather intelligence on where prevention and aid are most needed, and to calculate the incidence rate per 1,000 for SDG reporting, you’ll use Esri’s Living Atlas layers and the Malaria Atlas Project’s incidence reports to map the spatial and temporal distribution from 2000-2015.

You’ll use ArcGIS Pro for this exercise. You can get a free ArcGIS trial in the lesson link.

WHO Malaria Threats Map
WHO Malaria Threats Map

This interactive map presents data on the status of malaria vector resistance, P. falciparum gene deletions, and antimalarial efficacy and resistance.

HIS geo-enabling - Geospatial data management guideline (MOHS, Myanmar)
HIS geo-enabling – Geospatial data management guideline (MOHS, Myanmar)

This document has been developed to guide the Ministry of Health and Sports of Myanmar on the standards, practices and protocols to be implemented as part of the geospatial data management cycle and this to ensure for the availability, quality and accessibility of geospatial data for the health sector in the country.

Introduction to Geospatial Data Management and Technologies for PHDs
Introduction to Geospatial Data Management and Technologies for PHDs

These are the training materials used during the training workshop on the Introduction to Geospatial Data Management and Technologies for PHDs to strengthen the management and use of geospatial data and technologies within the Ministry of Health of Cambodia. It was held on 6-8 February 2018 in the Province of Kampong Cham, Cambodia and organized by the Department of Planning and Health Information (DPHI) of the Ministry of Health of Cambodia, with the support of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Health GeoLab Collaborative.

ENSURE: Geolocating health facility attendees to map malaria in the Philippines and Indonesia
ENSURE: Geolocating health facility attendees to map malaria in the Philippines and Indonesia

A case study on how the ENSURE project demonstrated the utility of tablet-based approaches to collect spatial information on patients attending and other easy access group surveys to provide a better understanding of the distribution of disease.

, Downloaddocumentuse-casesindonesia philippines
Starter kit – Migration to ArcGIS Pro
Starter kit – Migration to ArcGIS Pro

Starter kit helping prepare experienced ArcMap users to be productive right away in using ArcGIS Pro by providing users with essential ArcGIS Pro terminology and getting them familiar with the ribbon-based user interface. This document highlights key differences between ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro in mapping, editing, and geoprocessing workflows and demonstrates new and streamlined capabilities that will help users complete their GIS work more quickly and easily than ever before.

Upstream watershed condition predicts rural children’s health across 35 developing countries
Upstream watershed condition predicts rural children’s health across 35 developing countries

This University of Vermont-led study is the first to calculate how watershed forests improve the health of children around the world. The study focuses on diarrheal disease due to contaminated water as it is a major cause of child mortality globally. Original URL.

DOH GIS/GPS Guidelines and Standards
DOH GIS/GPS Guidelines and Standards

This document contains the guidelines and standards followed by the Department of Health of the Philippines for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies. This helps ensure the quality and accuracy of geospatial data collected and used for the health sector in the country.


Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2 - Implementing the geospatial data management cycle: 2.5 Cleaning, validating, and documenting the data – 2.5.2 Using advanced Microsoft Excel functions
Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2 – Implementing the geospatial data management cycle: 2.5 Cleaning, validating, and documenting the data – 2.5.2 Using advanced Microsoft Excel functions

Guidance describing the operations needed to check, clean, or validate compiled and/or collected data and how these operations can be performed using the advanced functions in Microsoft Excel.

Using geospatial data and analytics to guide reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health programs: Journal Supplement 5
Using geospatial data and analytics to guide reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health programs: Journal Supplement 5

A set of documents from the BMJ Global Health Journals on the different uses of geospatial data and analytics in public health.

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Best Practices in Innovations in Microplanning for Polio Eradication
Best Practices in Innovations in Microplanning for Polio Eradication

Document presenting the best practices particularly in using GIS to improve the quality of microplans aiming toward polio eradication. Original URL

Spatiotemporal epidemiology, environmental correlates, and demography of malaria in Tak Province, Thailand (2012–2015)
Spatiotemporal epidemiology, environmental correlates, and demography of malaria in Tak Province, Thailand (2012–2015)

The paper looked into the patterns of malaria incidence and possible drivers of transmission over space and time in Tak Province from 2012-2015. Original URL

State of the Pacific's RMNCAH Workforce Report 2019
State of the Pacific’s RMNCAH Workforce Report 2019

This report looks into the reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) of 15 countries in the Pacific Region particularly the availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of RMNCAH to determine if the health system and its workforce
are providing effective coverage.

To determine the geographical accessibility of the RMNCAH workforce, an accessibility analysis was done using AccessMod. Original URL

, , , , , , , , , , , Downloaddocumentuse-casescook-islands federated-states-of-micronesia-fsm fiji kiribati nauru other papua-new-guinea republic-of-the-marshall-islands-rmi samoa solomon-islands tonga vanuatu
Common Geo-registry Assessment Tool (Version 3)
Common Geo-registry Assessment Tool (Version 3)

The 3rd version of the assessment tool developed based on the requirements listed in the Guidance on the establishment of a common geo-registry for the simultaneous hosting, maintenance, update, and sharing of master lists, geographic relationships, and associated data/information for the geographic objects core to public health.

(The Guidance is accessible from: https://healthgeolab.net/DOCUMENTS/Guidance_Common_Geo-registry_Ve2.pdf)

Impact of geographic accessibility on utilization of the annual health check-ups by income level in Japan: A multilevel analysis
Impact of geographic accessibility on utilization of the annual health check-ups by income level in Japan: A multilevel analysis

This study aims to reveal whether an income-dependent difference in the impact of geographic accessibility on the utilization of government-led annual health check-ups exists. This is because although both geographic accessibility and socioeconomic status have been indicated as being important factors for the utilization of health care services, their combined effect has not been evaluated. Original URL

Addressing geographic access barriers to emergency care services: a national ecologic study of hospitals in Brazil
Addressing geographic access barriers to emergency care services: a national ecologic study of hospitals in Brazil

This study aims to analyze the geographic access barriers to emergency care services in Brazil as unequal distribution of emergency care services is a critical barrier to be overcome to assure access to emergency and surgical care. Original URL

Introduction to Geospatial Data Management and Technologies for Malaria Programs
Introduction to Geospatial Data Management and Technologies for Malaria Programs

These are the training materials used during the training workshop on the Introduction to Geospatial Data Management and Technologies for Malaria Programs to strengthen Malaria programs’ technical skills and practices to manage and use geospatial data and technologies. It was held on 25-28 March 2019 in Manila, Philippines and made possible through the collaboration of London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Health GeoLab Collaborative (HGLC), Research Institute of Tropical Medicine (RITM), Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), and Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN).

, , , , , , Linktraining-materialtechnical-capacitymalaysia other papua-new-guinea philippines solomon-islands vanuatu vietnam
ArcGIS Enterprise GIS Training Plan for Staff of Ministries of Health
ArcGIS Enterprise GIS Training Plan for Staff of Ministries of Health

This document is a tool for Ministries of Health (MOHs) to use to help determine the staff training that will best meet their needs. It provides training recommendations that can assist an organization in optimizing functional management, operation, and maintenance of the ArcGIS platform.

HIS Geo-enabling Glossary
HIS Geo-enabling Glossary

This glossary contains terms that are used frequently in Health GeoLab Collaborative (HGLC) documents, not defined in online GIS dictionaries, or for which the HGLC uses a slightly different definition. It is being maintained by the HGLC to complement those that can be found in online GIS dictionaries.

Starter kit - ArcGIS Solution Coronavirus Case Dashboard
Starter kit – ArcGIS Solution Coronavirus Case Dashboard

Starter kit guiding new users on how to operationalize the Coronavirus Case Dashboard included in the ArcGIS Solution for Coronavirus Response as a way to show the COVID-19 situation in their community.

Improving Immunization Coverage and Reducing Inequities: Use of GIS in Immunization Programs
Improving Immunization Coverage and Reducing Inequities: Use of GIS in Immunization Programs

Final report on the Improving Immunization Coverage and Reducing Inequities: Use of GIS in Immunization Programs technical meeting held at the UNICEF Headquarters in New York City on 25-26 October 2016 discussing the impacts of using GIS in increasing overall immunization coverage and reducing inequities. Original URL.

, Downloaddocumentstrategy-plan-vision use-casesother
Improving Immunisation Coverage and Equity through the Effective Use of Geospatial Technologies: A Landscape Analysis and Theory of Change
Improving Immunisation Coverage and Equity through the Effective Use of Geospatial Technologies: A Landscape Analysis and Theory of Change

A document describing the potential for geospatial data and technologies to impact immunisation programming through eight use cases that demonstrate how the visualisation of geospatial data, spatial analysis and geostatistical modeling can help service delivery teams identify zero-dose children (children who have never been immunised) and improve service delivery to achieve equity in vaccine coverage. Original URL

Esri's COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Resources
Esri’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Resources

A resource web page from Esri featuring tools that can help government and healthcare leaders around the world to efficiently and equitably distribute COVID-19 vaccines.

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UN- GGIM: Future trends in geospatial information management: the five to ten year vision (Third Edition)
UN- GGIM: Future trends in geospatial information management: the five to ten year vision (Third Edition)

The third edition of the Future Trends report from the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) analyzes the top global geospatial drivers and trends that are predicted to have the greatest impact on geospatial information management over the next five to ten years including those that could impact the health sector. Original URL

Sharing the same geography: use of a Common Geo-Registry as a central authority for geospatial information core to sustainable development
Sharing the same geography: use of a Common Geo-Registry as a central authority for geospatial information core to sustainable development

Webinar presented at the Virtual United Nations World Data Forum (UNWDF) on October 2020 introducing the Common Geo-Registry (CGR) concept, approach, and technology to data communities. It includes a discussion of the data model that supports the CGR concept and a demonstration of the platform as well as a case study of the implementation experience so far in the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Myanmar DoPH MOHS - Guidelines for the Geo-Enabling of the Health Information System (HIS)
Myanmar DoPH MOHS – Guidelines for the Geo-Enabling of the Health Information System (HIS)

This document contains the guidelines followed by the Department of Public Health – Ministry of Health and Sports (DoPH – MOHS) of Myanmar in the geo-enablement of their Health Information System (HIS).

Geospatial Health (Official journal of the International Society of Geospatial Health)
Geospatial Health (Official journal of the International Society of Geospatial Health)

This journal focuses on all aspects of the application of geographical information systems, remote sensing, global positioning systems, spatial statistics, and other geospatial tools in human and veterinary health. The journal publishes two issues per year.

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International Journal of Health Geographics
International Journal of Health Geographics

This journal publishes novel, high quality and internationally significant manuscripts on all aspects of geospatial information systems and science applications in health and healthcare including spatial data infrastructure and Web geospatial interoperability research, to research into real-time Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-enabled surveillance services, remote sensing applications, spatial epidemiology, spatio-temporal statistics, internet GIS and cyberspace mapping, participatory GIS and citizen sensing, geospatial big data, healthy smart cities and regions, and geospatial Internet of Things and blockchain.

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Health & Place
Health & Place

An interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the study of all aspects of health and health care in which place or location matters.

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The Use of Geospatial Data and Technologies in Support of Immunization Microplanning in Myanmar Implementation Report, 2017–2018
The Use of Geospatial Data and Technologies in Support of Immunization Microplanning in Myanmar Implementation Report, 2017–2018

This report records UNICEF’s work supporting Myanmar in the use of geospatial data and technologies to improve planning and monitoring for the equitable provision of immunization services. Original URL.

Leveraging Geospatial Technologies and Data to Strengthen Immunisation Programmes
Leveraging Geospatial Technologies and Data to Strengthen Immunisation Programmes

A guidance document that “identifies the steps and key considerations for Ministries of Health (MOH) and national Expanded Progamme for Immunisation (EPI) managers and their partners when planning and developing funding applications for effective and sustainable use of geospatial and technologies.” Original URL.

COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) Funding Opportunity
COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) Funding Opportunity

A funding opportunity from The Global Fund to “support countries to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on programs to fight HIV, TB, and malaria, and initiate urgent improvements in health and community systems.”

COVIDaction's Vaccine Data Co-Lab Open Call for Technical Proposal
COVIDaction’s Vaccine Data Co-Lab Open Call for Technical Proposal

The Vaccine Data Co-Lab is a collaboration with governments, civil society organisations, and network partners to close data gaps in vaccine rollouts in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

It is calling for a technical proposals from organisations working directly with local and national governments in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to ensure sustained capacity for vaccine deployment.

WHO GIS Centre for Health
WHO GIS Centre for Health

WHO’s GIS Centre for Health includes geospatial analytics, capacity building, partnerships and collaboration, geospatial culture, and GIS infrastructure.

Geospatial Health (Official journal of the International Society of Geospatial Health)
Geospatial Health (Official journal of the International Society of Geospatial Health)

This journal focuses on all aspects of the application of geographical information systems, remote sensing, global positioning systems, spatial statistics, and other geospatial tools in human and veterinary health. The journal publishes two issues per year.

, , Downloaddocument websitegeospatial-technologies use-casesother
Using geospatial data and analytics to guide reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health programs: Journal Supplement 5
Using geospatial data and analytics to guide reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health programs: Journal Supplement 5

A set of documents from the BMJ Global Health Journals on the different uses of geospatial data and analytics in public health.

, Downloaddocumentuse-casesbangladesh other
Visualizing the Geography of the Diseases of China: Western Disease Maps from Analytical Tools to Tools of Empire, Sovereignty, and Public Health Propaganda, 1878–1929
Visualizing the Geography of the Diseases of China: Western Disease Maps from Analytical Tools to Tools of Empire, Sovereignty, and Public Health Propaganda, 1878–1929

A journal article analyzing “for the first time the earliest western maps of diseases in China spanning fifty years from the late 1870s to the end of the 1920s.” These maps shows a visual history of how modern medicine transformed from medical geography to laboratory medicine on Chinese soil.

Example of Terms of reference for the Technical Working Group on the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in the health sector
Example of Terms of reference for the Technical Working Group on the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in the health sector

This document presents an example terms of reference for the Technical Working Group on the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in the health sector. It provides examples of functions, structure and membership, and method of work for the TWG.

Ethical Considerations When Using Geospatial Technologies for Evidence Generation
Ethical Considerations When Using Geospatial Technologies for Evidence Generation

This document is an example of policies governing the use of geospatial technologies. It discusses the benefits of using geospatial technologies for evidence generation but it also lays out the different ethical consideration that should be taken into account when using these technologies.

Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2.4 Creating geospatial data: 2.4.1 Extracting vector format geospatial data from basemaps
Guidance for the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health: Part 2.4 Creating geospatial data: 2.4.1 Extracting vector format geospatial data from basemaps

Guidance describing the steps in extracting vector format geospatial data from basemaps

Implementation Support Guide: Development of a National Georeferenced Community Health Worker Master List hosted in a registry
Implementation Support Guide: Development of a National Georeferenced Community Health Worker Master List hosted in a registry

“This implementation support guidance presents principles for a national, georeferenced Community Health Worker Master List (CHWML) and a seven-step process for generating, sharing and maintaining such list in a registry. Each step includes a decision checklist and key considerations for planning and implementation. The guide also includes tools to evaluate the current state of a national CHWML, five candid country experiences, a summary of financial resource requirements, and links to tools and practical resources to aid in operationalization. The guidance was developed to support national governments, and their technical and financial partners.”

Common Geo-Registry (CGR) (Information page)
Common Geo-Registry (CGR) (Information page)

This site provides information on the Common Geo-Registry including how it works, use cases, link to the CGR GitHUb page, links to important document, etc.

Esri's Health Information System Modernization: A GIS Curriculum
Esri’s Health Information System Modernization: A GIS Curriculum

“This site contains hands-on tutorials to enhance the geospatial capacity of health stakeholders. By promoting training and technical expertise in innovative technology, through the connection of maps, apps, data and people, health professionals will be better equipped to make more informed health decisions. From fundamental GIS concepts to analytics, field work and collaboration, learners will gain a breadth of experience using GIS with multiple ArcGIS software products.”

, , Linktraining-material websitegeospatial-technologies technical-capacityother
Physical Accessibility to Health Services Study (2019)
Physical Accessibility to Health Services Study (2019)

This document presents the study done to assess the physical accessibility to health services in Vanuatu. The results of the study were obtained by undertaking a set of GIS-based analyses using a tool called AccessMod 5.0.

Constructing and validating a transferable epidemic risk index in data scarce environments using open data: A case study for dengue in the Philippines
Constructing and validating a transferable epidemic risk index in data scarce environments using open data: A case study for dengue in the Philippines

This study to assess the risk of dengue in the Philippines introduces “a methodology to construct and validate an epidemic risk index using only open data, with a specific focus on scalability. The external validation of [the] risk index makes use of distance sampling to correct for underreporting of infections, which is often a major source of biases, based on geographical accessibility to health facilities.”

Microplanning for Immunization Service Delivery Using the Reaching Every District (RED) Strategy
Microplanning for Immunization Service Delivery Using the Reaching Every District (RED) Strategy

This document is a guide on how to produce microplans for immunization service delivery using the Reaching Every District (RED) strategy. The guide uses a ‘bottom-up’ approach: it starts with health facility (service delivery) microplans which will then be put together to make the district microplan.

Expanding and improving urban outreach immunisation in Patna, India
Expanding and improving urban outreach immunisation in Patna, India

This document presents a case study of an urban immunization outreach strategy to determine the feasibility of the intervention and to measure administrative immunization coverage outcomes.

Guidance on developing a national deployment and vaccination plan for COVID-19 vaccines (2nd version)
Guidance on developing a national deployment and vaccination plan for COVID-19 vaccines (2nd version)

This document published by WHO and UNICEF is a global guidance providing the framework for countries on how to develop their national deployment and vaccination plans (NDVPs). This guidance includes the use of geospatial data and digital micro plans for equitable access and delivery of COVID-19 vaccine.

Guidance on operational microplanning for COVID-19 vaccination
Guidance on operational microplanning for COVID-19 vaccination

This document provides operational guidance and information to support planners and immunization programme managers at the national and sub-national levels on microplanning for COVID-19 vaccination implementation. This publication is a companion document to the National Deployment and Vaccination Plans guidance, which provides a framework for countries to develop their national strategies.

Spatial Quality and Anomalies Diagnosis (SQUAD) Tool
Spatial Quality and Anomalies Diagnosis (SQUAD) Tool

This site provides information on the Spatial Quality and Anomalies Diagnosis (SQUAD) tool created by MEASURE Evaluation that can rapidly identify the presence of anomalies in spatial data which can then be investigated further to determine if there is a data quality issue.

SQUAD: A Tool for Spatial Quality and Anomalies Diagnosis – Documentation and Tutorial (ArcGIS version)
SQUAD: A Tool for Spatial Quality and Anomalies Diagnosis – Documentation and Tutorial (ArcGIS version)

This package includes the documentation, sample data, and tutorial on how to use MEASURE Evaluation’s SQUAD tool using ArcGIS. Original URL 


SQUAD main page: https://www.measureevaluation.org/tools/geographic-information-systems/squad-tool.html

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SQUAD: A Tool for Spatial Quality and Anomalies Diagnosis – Documentation and Tutorial (QGIS version)
SQUAD: A Tool for Spatial Quality and Anomalies Diagnosis – Documentation and Tutorial (QGIS version)

This package includes the documentation, sample data, and tutorial on how to use MEASURE Evaluation’s SQUAD tool using QGIS. Original URL


SQUAD main page: https://www.measureevaluation.org/tools/geographic-information-systems/squad-tool.html

, Downloadtool-software training-materialgeospatial-technologiesother
Optimizing health facility location for universal health care: A case study from the Philippines
Optimizing health facility location for universal health care: A case study from the Philippines

This paper looks into using a variation of cooperative covering maximal models to identify the optimal location of primary care facilities in the Philippines using open source data. Original URL.

Philippines Health Facility Development Plan 2020-2040
Philippines Health Facility Development Plan 2020-2040

This document articulates the required investment for health facilities in the Philippines and presents as a use case of the health facility master list of the country. Original URL

Using Patient Pathway Analysis to Design Patient-centered Referral Networks for Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculosis: The Case of the Philippines
Using Patient Pathway Analysis to Design Patient-centered Referral Networks for Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculosis: The Case of the Philippines

This paper looks into how using the patient pathway analysis have “identified opportunities for strengthening access to care for all forms of tuberculosis and for accelerating the time to diagnosis by aligning services to where patients initiate care” and that “geographic variations in care seeking may guide prioritization of some regions for intensified engagement with the private sector.” Original URL

Story Map: Geo-enabing the Health Information System in Mongolia
Story Map: Geo-enabing the Health Information System in Mongolia

Story map describing the implementation of the HIS geo-enabling process in Mongolia.
