While the Health GeoLab is not promoting the use of any particular GIS technology, this page provides information about opportunities offered to Ministries of Health to access proprietary geospatial technologies freely or at a highly discounted rate.


Esri Health and Human Services Grant Program

This grant allows Ministries of Health of eligible countries to freely use the following Esri’s technology for a period of two years:

  • 5 ArcGIS Desktop Basic licenses (term, single use)
  • 3  extensions (spatial analyst, network analyst, geostatistical analyst) single use per core desktop license
  • ArcGIS Online via the typical desktop entitlement

Please click this link for more information about this grant, to find out if your country is eligible and apply: https://bit.ly/2PjysU1

You may also access Esri’s ArcGIS Enterprise GIS Training Plan for Staff of Ministries of Health from this link as a tool to help determine the training that will best meet the staff needs: https://bit.ly/2TYdobL