HIS geo-enabling toolkit

The HIS geo-enabling toolkit describes the steps to be implemented in order to geo-enable the in-country Health Information System (HIS). It has been developed to support the health sector to fully benefit from the power of geography, geospatial data and technologies.

The content of this toolkit builds on the experience gained through the implementation of the HIS geo-enabling process in Cambodia, Myanmar, and Vietnam, thanks to ADB’s support. It also greatly benefited from the development and implementation in Myanmar of the joint UNICEF-Health GeoLab Collaborative guidance on the use of geospatial data and technologies in immunization programs (see below).

Guidance to improve the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health

The Health GeoLab has been working with partners to develop the following series of guidance aiming at improving the management and use of geospatial data and technologies in health:

■   Part 1 – Introduction to the data-information-knowledge management continuum and the geospatial data management cycle

■   Part 2 – Implementing the geospatial data management cycle:

●   2.1 Documenting the process and defining the data needs

●   2.2 Defining the terminology, data specifications, and the ground reference

●   2.3 Compiling existing data and identifying gaps

●   2.4 Creating geospatial data

○   2.4.1 Extracting vector format geospatial data from basemaps

○   2.4.2: Collecting data in the field

●   2.5 Cleaning, validating, and documenting the data

○   2.5.1 Documenting the data using a metadata profile

○   2.5.2 Using advanced Microsoft Excel functions and tools

●   2.6 Distributing, using and updating the data

○   2.6.1 Creating good thematic maps using desktop GIS software

○   2.6.2 Using thematic maps for decision making

○   2.6.3 Developing and implementing the appropriate data policy

Reference materials to follow

The Health GeoLab is currently working on the development of:

  • Documents and protocols to help countries in the use of GIS to conduct analyses pertinent to UHC.

These documents will be posted here as well as in the Knowledge Repository as they become available.

All the materials posted here are meant to be living documents and to evolve based on the inputs received from the users. Please therefore don’t hesitate to contact us at steeve@tropmedres.ac if you have any suggestions for improvement.

We would also very much like to associate you with these documents in case you are using them as part of your activities. Please contact us at the same email address if this is the case.