This MEASURE Evaluation guide focuses on data and how to use geography to facilitate linkages among data. It presents an overview of the ways to structure HIV activities data to take maximum advantage of existing geographic data, or to facilitate future inclusion of the geographic context of data being gathered.
Read MoreThis MEASURE Evaluation guide focuses on data and how to use geography to facilitate linkages among data. It presents an overview of the ways to structure family planning data to take maximum advantage of existing geographic data, or to facilitate future inclusion of the geographic context of data being gathered.
Read MoreThis MEASURE Evaluation guide describes the questions that need to be answered and the data required to make a decision about resource allocation, using GIS tools.
Read MoreThrough this MEASURE Evaluation course, learners will gain an understanding of how to use spatial data to enhance the decision-making process for health program implementation in limited resource settings.
Read MoreThis MEASURE Evaluation course presents a practical guide for using a geographic information system (GIS) to integrate, visualize, and analyze geographically-referenced data extracted from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and other key data sets to facilitate monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of HIV/AIDS and related health programs.
Read MoreExecutive summary of the workshop organized to define the workflows, requirements and rules that any platform should comply to in order to effectively and simultaneously host, maintain, update and openly share master lists for the geographic objects core to public health (health facilities, communities/settlements, administrative and reporting divisions).
Read MoreThis study used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyse physical accessibility to facilities providing EmOC services in the in Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Original URL
Read MoreThis study used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyse physical accessibility to facilities providing EmOC services in Cambodia. Original URL
Read MoreConference was organized jointly by the United Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Government of Switzerland, with support from the European Space Agency (ESA) to look at strengthening space cooperation for Global Health. The outcomes and recommendations cover different areas including the geo-enablement of Health Information Systems in countries. Original URL
Read MoreThe workshop looked at how geography (location, extent, hierarchies and relationships)) and time (changes over time in administrative divisions, services, operating status and ownerships of facilities,…) are currently integrated into DHIS2, including its data model. Given this, the aim was to identify gaps and technical requirements for the further enhancement of DHIS2 as a platform…
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