An article discussing the use of remote sensing and geospatial analysis to quantify burial numbers from January 2017 to September 2020 in Mogadishu in order to calculate the burial rates increase during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreAn article discussing the first comprehensive study of COVID-19 in Iran. “Four main steps were taken: comparison of Iranian coronavirus data with the global trends, prediction of mortality trends using regression modeling, spatial modeling, risk mapping, and change detection using the random forest (RF) machine learning technique (MLT), and validation of the modeled risk map.”
Read MoreAn article discussing how geospatial epidemiology was used to help visualize the severity of the COVID-19 outbreak in high density residential facilities (dormitories) and in shaping outbreak management strategies in dormitories.
Read MoreAn article discussing the analysis done on COVID-19 cases in India during the pre-lockdown, lockdown, and unlock phases using geospatial technology at district, state, and country levels. Comparison were also made with other countries around the world particularly those that had the highest infection rates.
Read MoreA research article aimed augmenting the lack of COVID-19 vaccine accessibility studies in urban areas by measuring the potential spatial access to COVID-19 vaccination centers in Mashhad, the second-most populous city in Iran. This is in order to provide more information and insights to urban urban public health decision-makers.
Read MoreA storymap that explores the “geospatial relationships and patterns between vaccination rollout and population data, in order to better understand the geographic distribution of vaccination rollout and levels of uptake” in England by using the Covid-19 vaccination data published by NHS England.
Read MoreAn article by Dr Este Geraghty of Esri provides an introduction to the interactive map “Which Way Are Things Going?” which aims to accurate and actionable information with data from state level to county level in the United States. It also explains why map-based information has become very useful in keeping track of what’s happening…
Read MoreA research article from the Office of the Assistant for Planning and Evaluation of the US Department of Health and Human Services “explores data on unvaccinated adults who express a willingness to be vaccinated against COVID-19 among different geographic areas and sociodemographic groups. Additionally, this analysis models which factors are associated with being unvaccinated but…
Read MoreAn article from the National Geographic about the Delta variant of COVID-19, its fast spread across different countries, and how areas with lower vaccination rates are more at risk with this variant.
Read MoreAn article from the National Geographic about the Delta Plus variant of COVID-19, its fast spread across different countries, and the precautions that should be taken with this variant.
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